Featured Products

Mold Inspector Courses
Learn the good the bad and ugly molds and see different types of molds and the effects of mold to persons, pets and buildings and Indoor Air Quality and Sick House symptoms Residential and Commercial Buildings and occupants. The Mold Inspector can Inspect both Residential and Commercial Buildings.
ICC/IECC Code Inspector Courses
Whether your goal is to become a Real Estate Inspector or Professional Inspector, The Builder’s Academy, Inc. can help you get there! Becoming a home inspector is a great career choice. With our proven programs, you’ll learn at home at your own pace and also go onsite for ride-a-longs.

Pest Control Courses
Learn WDI (wood destroying Insects) and WDO (wood destroying organisms) in our 40-hour Pest Control Course with required onsite & in-class training.
Onsite and in-class will fulfill your field study requirements and teach you how to do a termite inspection onsite and how to fill out the WDI Reports.
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