Pest Control Courses

6 Hour Pest Control Technician Training
This is the class to take if you are wanting to start a new career in pest control. This 6 hour Technician Course is required by the TDA to be taught in classroom in order to enter this field.
Come to Builder’s Academy for the finest education taught by actual Pest Control Professional Certified Applicators Bryon A. Parffrey or Daniel B.A. Parffrey who will personally teach this class, and you can be assured of “Building On A Solid Foundation®” in the Pest Control field or Business with this quality education at The Builder’s Academy, Inc.
6 Hour Pest Control Tech Training
With 3 Textbooks & Practice Exam Included!
Only $495.00

Pest Control – Apprentice to Technician

Learn WDI (wood destroying Insects) and WDO (wood destroying organisms) in our 40-hour Pest Control Course with required onsite & in-class training.
*You must register with TDA @ www.texasagriculture.gov as an apprentice before attending or enroll 10 days prior with us and we will help you register with TDA and help with paying your registration fee as an apprentice as a part of the tuition.
Onsite and in-class will fulfill your field study requirements and teach you how to do a termite inspection onsite and how to fill out the WDI Reports.
We can also help you with the additional 8 hours of Termite Control training required and 20 hours of General Category with online education.
For more details call 281-558-4100 or email [email protected].
Required Training: 6 Hour classroom Apprentice to Technician Training
- 20 hours General category and required topics
- 8 Hour Termite Control and Category
- 40 hours field training on site Builders Academy and BUG-X, LLC.
- 8 Hours Classroom various subjects of WDI and WDO, Termites, Wood Destroying insects, Chemistry, Formulas, Legal, Federal and State, EPA, Report Writing & Inspections
- Apprentices meet 3 days per week as Apprentices. Technicians meet once per week.
Only $2,495
With BUG-X Sponsorship Included
Already have a Certified Applicator To Sponsor You?
- 20 hours General category and required topics
- 8 Hour Termite Control and Category
- 40 hours field training on site Builders Academy and BUG-X, LLC.
- 8 Hours Classroom various subjects of WDI and WDO, Termites, Wood Destroying insects, Chemistry, Formulas, Legal, Federal and State, EPA, Report Writing & Inspections
Only $1,795
For Pest Control Continuing Education Click Here
Apprentices Must Take the Following Trainings:
- 20 hours of classroom training in General Standards
- 1 time course for all Categories – $395.00 online or $695.00 classroom
- 8 hours of Classroom Training in each category seeking licensure
- $395 each category with 8-hour class in that category & 20 hours of field work (OTJ)
So, if you want to be Pest Control Licensed you must take 8 Hours of Training in Pest, and if you choose Termite then 8 Hours in Termite, or 8 Hrs. Lawn and Ornamental etc.
40 hours of addtional On-The-Job training for each category plus 8 hours in classroom or online
$695.00 each 40 Hour Category
6-hour Technician Training required and best to do sooner than later this is required to sit for exams 1 time for all Categories – $595.00
PEST Control Category Classroom Course 8 Hours
$395 Pest Category textbook included
20 Hours General Standards required, then you would take your 8-hour Classroom Category and your 40 Hour Onsite Training in each Category
40 hours training required we can train you in Pest and or Termite Control which each category requires 8 hours classroom and 40 Hours Fieldwork
20 Hour Online General Standards Course
$395.00 online or $595 classroom
Then take your 8 Hours Classroom Course in each Category and 40 Hours Training in Each Selected Category you want to be licensed in
40 Hours Pest Control Training Onsite (OJT) – $695.00
40 Hours Termite Training Onsite (OJT) – $695.00
40 Hours Lawn and Ornamental Training Onsite (OJT) – $695.00
40 Hours Weed Control Training Onsite (OJT) – $695.00
8 Hours Classroom PEST Control with textbook – $395.00
8 Hours Classroom Termite Control with textbook – $395.00
8 Hours Classroom Lawn and Ornamental – $395.00
6 Hours Classroom Technician Training with three textbooks – $595.00
8 Hours Classroom Weed Control – $395.00